Deusto University, in collaboration with CIC bioGUNE, launches the Bachelor of Medicine, recognized as a solid and solvent project necessary and innovative for a person-centered medicine. See Presentation (Spanish) here.
CIC bioGUNE will provide medical students participating in the Bachelor Degree, with a comprehensive education in basic biomedical science based on the Problem Based Learning methodology, as well as, lectures, conferences, workshops, tutorials and laboratory practices.
CIC bioGUNE will bring its international recognition to the Medical Degree to:
- Build of basic knowledgewith in-depth courses and patient centered medical practice.
- Develop success learning strategies throughout the student career.
- Understand how science concepts apply to patient care.
- Extend the international vision of medical students.

This program is possible thanks to an agreement consolidated between Deusto University, CIC bioGUNE and CIC biomaGUNE, with the objective to co-develop on high-level recognized education in medical science, as well as the promotion of high-qualification training, institutional cooperation, internationalization and dissemination. CIC bioGUNE, and CIC biomaGUNE, will participate in the Subject of Applied Chemistry for Life Science and Homeostasis and Regulation, coordinated by Dr. Joaquin Castilla and Dr. Edurne Berra.
New course will begin in September. Here you can find more info on the program. See link.
The Advanced Training Program for young researchers at CIC bioGUNE has the aim of promoting excellence in skills development, building inclusive, effective and efficient higher education systems, and ensuring that our institutions contribute through innovation to have impact into society Program link.
Every student engaging in a CIC bioGUNE PhD thesis is assigned with a thesis advisory committee that aims to increase excellence of study development during the training period and ensure a fast career development track. Senior researchers of the center are key in our training mission and may be part of the thesis advisory committee and develop their own skill set of leader of the future.
Leading-edge Science
- Scientific Talks Series give the researchers the possibility to participate in regular conferences with top international distinguished speakers. These sessions are focus on the most remarkable topics and include time for discussion enhancing communication and interactions over research networks.
- Technology seminars allow junior and senior researchers to stay up-to-date of different discipline in the scientific landscape. The seminars are provided by internal and external experts of selected area of interest to teach new evolution of science, future development and use of specific R&D tools, and provide a platform to increase skill exchange within the CIC bioGUNE community.
- Junior Scientists Seminar Series give the PhD student and junior post-doc the opportunity to practice written and oral communication skills, giving talks to a scientific audience of the center, get familiar with event organization, delegate introduction and hosting a session.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The aim of the transversal training program in innovation and entrepreneurship is to reduce distance and bridging the gap between academic research and the stakeholders of industry. Pitfalls in the translation of academic discoveries toward a societal impact are attributed to the lack of knowledge of translational options, scarce exposure of investigators to the entrepreneurial sectors, and lack of common language and platform to exchange expertise.

- Innovation Training for Scientist and Researchers is a series of talks and conferences organized at CIC bioGUNE with the aim of giving an introduction of business terminology and foster lab to market transition of scientific breakthrough and achieving greater impact with scientific innovation.
- Business Pitching. Tutored by our qualified and experience business development personnel this program facilitate the introduction of our scientific talent into the activity of business development of the center.
The Center has promoted the creation of the Observatory for Equal opportunities to provide all candidates (undergraduates, pre-doctoral and post-doctoral) with an equal opportunity to fully demonstrate their competencies by identifying and eliminating their blocking factors, possible biases and risks of discrimination independently of gender, race and ethnic origin, religious belief, disability, age and sexual orientation. We believe that including unbiased selection procedure helps improving the scientific quality and societal relevance of the produced knowledge, technology and/or innovation
Pre-Doctoral Programme
At CICbioGUNE we educate graduate students in their career think scientifically, design and execute a research project under the supervision and mentoring of a CIC bioGUNE Principal investigator. The programme targets highly qualified and talented graduate students with an enthusiastic interest in Life Science. Students make the most of an excellent staff of researchers and highly specialized technicians that assist and guide the student during their stay.
We offer opportunities for short stays in partner international research institutions. We also offer Advance Science Training and weekly seminars by leading scientists at the forefront of Life Science Research, to provide students with the knowledge to develop their career including an includes seminars on state-of-the-art scientific trends, advance scientific technology and instrumentation.
We also developed an Innovation Training for Scientists (link to InnoBerrIkasi) designed to provide our staff with the skilled needed to succeed in and outside academia, including legal issues, IP management, entrepreneurship, Marketing, knowledge and technology transfer and communication skills.
The programme ultimately leads to obtaining a PhD degree, in partnership with the University of Pais Vasco (UPV/EPH). Students interested in joining our pre-doctoral programme are encouraged to apply for any of our fellowship opportunities listed below or for individual open positions in our groups.
Doctoral INPhINIT INCOMING Fellowship program
INPhINIT is promoted by the “la Caixa” Foundation with the aim of supporting the best scientific talent to the top research centers and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal by recruiting outstanding international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.
INPhINIT Incoming recruits 30 PhD Early-Stage Researchers of any nationality who enjoy a 3-year employment contract in the best Spanish and Portuguese research centres and units with excellence distinction. This frame is addressed exclusively to PhD research projects on STEM disciplines: life sciences and health, experimental sciences, physics, chemistry and mathematics.
In addition, researchers establish a personal career development plan including transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility opportunities, and attend a full range of complementary training courses and workshops.
For more information about requirements for applicants, please follow this link
If you are interested in applying for it or need further information, please contact:
- Itziar Gil de la Pisa (Project Manager)
Doctoral INPhINIT RETAINING Fellowship Program
INPhINIT Retaining recruits 30 PhD Early-Stage Researchers of any nationality who enjoy a 3-year employment contract in any research domain in Spain or Portugal.
In addition, researchers establish a personal career development plan including transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility opportunities, and attend a full range of complementary training courses and workshops.
For more information about requirements for applicants, please follow thislink
If you are interested in applying for it or need further information, please contact:
- Itziar Gil de la Pisa (Project Manager)
Bio-Bridge Program
BioBridge Program is an innovative program developed partnership with Technological Center in the Region and in in collaboration with Deusto Business School in Bilbao. The program provides PhD and MBA students a vehicle toward entrepreneurship through learn-by-doing methodology, at the intersection of Life Science, Engineering and Business.
Grants become available during the year (check Job Offers section) and PhD student selected for this program will be immersed in the scientific discovery and validation of the technology to make it ready for translation to the society.
A strict collaboration with MBA students during the enrollment of the program allows PhD and MBA students to develop their leadership potential, analyzed technical and market feasibility of their idea, develop group management and strategic thinking skills, and transform their scientific idea in an impactful innovation.
Regional Fellowship
The Basque Government´s program aims to promote the scientific training of graduates who wish to guide their professional research activity, boosting their acquisition of skills and abilities related to high quality scientific research.
For more information follow this link
Pre-doctoral industrial partnership
The Berrikertu program aims to support the incorporation of research talent in the companies and agents of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network, through non-refundable grants for the hiring of research staff for their dedication to the projects of R&D carried out by the beneficiary entities.
Post-Doctoral Programme
CIC bioGUNE aims to attract highly talented scientists seeking career development opportunities in a competitive and international environment. Post-doctoral researchers at CIC bioGUNE have an outstanding opportunity to develop their research career in one of the most prestigious transversal Life Science international research centres in Spain impinged in the Technology Park of Biskai.
Postdoctoral researchers at CIC bioGUNE have the opportunity to lead research projects under the mentoring of an internationally renowned Group Leader in a stimulating and multidisciplinary scientific environment. We believe in providing postdoctoral researchers with the skill needed to reach their independence.
Postdoctoral positions are offered through different postdoctoral programmes open calls or through CIC bioGUNE research groups open positions.
Regional Research Grant
The Basque Government´s program aims to improve the career of researchers who have recently obtained their PhD. The program will be developed within the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network. Outgoing 2-years mobility period to a center located abroad is promoted.
For more information follow this link
Juan de la Cierva
This program is aimed at hiring young doctors, paying special attention to the group of researchers who have recently obtained their doctorate degrees, so that they can join research teams to strengthen them.
Researchers must also meet certain mobility requirements that are specified in the call resolution and in the corresponding section of the guide.
The requests for participation are presented by the R & D Center and they will include the candidate researchers for their incorporation into the research teams. The aid granted is to co-finance the hiring, for a period of two years, of doctors in all areas of knowledge, by the Spanish R & D Centers.
For more information follow these links: 1 - 2
The objective of this program is to offer second cycle university students the opportunity to gain experience in a competitive laboratory and help define their professional orientation. To this end, two types of activities are organized annually:

Talent Support and Integration
CIC bioGUNE foster Excellent Science promoting mobility and career development of researchers.
Thanks to our close partnership with Bizkaia Talent, we offer relocation support to facilitating professional and social integration of researchers and their families.
Bizkaia Talent is a local contact point of the mobility network, EURAXESS, of the European Commission and a Career Development Center. It provides customized support for:
Guidance & Information
- Administrative matters: Taxation, Legislation (visas/permits), Legal Procedures, Vehicle Registration and Driving Licenses, Foreigners’ ID Number-NIE, Census Registration, Civil Register, etc...
- Accommodation: General information, real estate contacts, BILBAO BBK TALENT HOME–apartments for research personnel.
- Family Support in Issues such as health, education, schooling, leisure, culture...
- Family Reunification helpdesk

Sociocultural Integration
Recreational Experiences and Meetings in order to foster interpersonal relationships between its users.
Be Basque Dual Career Centre
It is the first of its kind present in Spain to analyses and assist researchers’ partners concerning labour & sociocultural integration, providing help in hiring opportunities, training, entrepreneurship, voluntarism and networking.