Science Fairs
Science Fairs
Science fairs serve as an excellent platform for engaging diverse audiences, particularly children and young individuals. CIC bioGUNE has actively taken part in various fairs, offering diverse workshops specifically designed to showcase easily executable experiments related to biosciences.
These hands-on experiments prove invaluable in elucidating fundamental concepts in biosciences and instilling the belief that conducting experiments is not only accessible, but also empowering. This guiding principle shapes our engagement in endeavors that cultivate a spirit of curiosity and excitement for the field of biological sciences across participants of all age groups.
Science Fairs:
- Semana de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación / Zientzia Astea link
- Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras / Ikertzaileen Gaua link
- Zientzia Azoka link