
Decoding Intercellular Communication via Hepatocyte-Secreted Extracellular Vesicles

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an important role in mediating cell-to-cell communication and have received significant interest from scientists studying diverse disease conditions. In this webinar, Dr. Félix Royo will walk you through his group’s work on characterization and biodistribution of hepatocyte-derived EVs and the changes in EV enzymatic activity following drug-induced liver injury. He will also highlight newly discovered roles of these EVs in influencing diseases in other organs.

Félix Royo, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, Exosomes Lab, CIC bioGUNE-CIBERehd

Webinar: Decoding Intercellular Communication via Hepatocyte-Secreted Extracellular Vesicles
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 - 10 a.m. PST | 1 p.m. EST | 5 p.m. UTC

If you are unable to attend the webinar, please register and a link will be sent to you with the recorded version.


  • EV heterogeneity and isolation methods
  • Characterization and biodistribution of hepatocyte-derived EVs
  • Enzymatic activity in hepatic EVs following drug-induced liver damage
  • Influence of hepatocyte-derived EVs on diseases

Dr. Félix Royo’s research involves understanding the systemic effect of hepatocyte-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs). His publications have focused on the transcriptomic and metabolomic characterization, and bio-distribution of liver-derived EVs, as well as the impact of the EV-associated enzymes on the extracellular environment.

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