Donatello Castellana
Donatello Castellana
Scientific Director Office
Address: Bizkaia Science and Technology Park, building 801A, Derio (Bizkaia)

Donatello holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Lecce (Italy) and a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Strasbourg (France). His scientific specialties span from oncology, inflammation and immunology in animal system, and stem cell regeneration in mouse skin. He has been awarded with competitive grants for research projects (AECC and Ligue Contre le Cancér). He published original articles and reviews in international journals with high impact in the press and acted as evaluator of original articles in pathology and cancer fields (see publication list here) Donatello has been the founder and spokesperson of PostDoc Association at CNIO (Madrid, Spain).

Dr. Castellana hold an MBA from Aliter International Business School, Madrid, and specialization courses in marketing and valorisation of academic breakthrough from INSEAD, and IE Business School. He collaborates in medtech projects (oncology and neurology from MIT Boston and UPM, Madrid) dragging academic knowledge and ideas to commercial value. Since 2016 he is Life Science specialist collaborator at Ventac Partners a Venture Builder and VC private fund. From February to September 2017 was appointed as head of operation of mVision Fundation, Madrid. He also is independent new business strategy consultant and participates in presenting SME’s projects to European Commission funding for SMEs instruments (H2020), and serve as mentor for innovation life Science Entrepreneurship programs.
Since October 2017 he is Head of Technology Transfer at CIC bioGUNE to scout for viable business projects, boost innovation culture in the centre, develop valuable business relationship, and launch of new entrepreneurial biomedical projects.

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