Mechanisms underlying endosomal transport



Mechanisms underlying endosomal transport

Aitor Hierro, PhD

Mechanisms underlying endosomal transport Living cells are constantly moving material as part of their inherent activity and environmental interactions. The endosomal network is a mayor hub in protein trafficking. It receives a large number of transmembrane proteins, receptors and ligands, termed cargo, from the secretory and endocytic pathways which then are routed to the lysosome for degradation or recycled for re-use. Protein recycling has a direct impact on cellular homeostasis and is altered with aging. Of the cargo molecules delivered to endosomes, about two-thirds are rescued from degradation and recycled for reuse. Each recycling pathway utilizes distinct sets of molecular machinery to transport channels and receptors involved in a wide range of physiological processes such as nutrient intake, cell signaling, polarized transport, cell differentiation, immune response and nerve transmission. These endosomal assemblies have a large number of components regulating the formation of specific exit routes. Spatio-temporal control of these events not only is essential for general proteostasis, but also is subverted by numerous pathogens. In this talk I will present our recent work on the molecular mechanisms for recognition, packaging and sorting of integral membrane proteins into specific membrane-coated structures